How to leash train your dog

How To Leash Train Your Dog

How To Leash Train Your Dog

Leash training your dog is an important step in ensuring their safety and allowing them to enjoy walks and outings with you. Here are a few tips to help you leash train your dog:


  1. Start with a comfortable collar or harness: It's important to choose a collar or harness that fits well and is comfortable for your dog to wear. Avoid collars that are too tight or too loose, as they can cause discomfort or even injury. We recommend the archie & alfred dog harness or dog collar:
  2. Introduce your dog to the leash gradually: Before you start walking your dog on a leash, let them get used to the feeling of the leash and collar or harness. You can do this by attaching the leash and letting your dog walk around the house with it on, or by dragging the leash behind them while they play. We recommend the archie & alfred dog leash:
  3. Use positive reinforcement: Positive reinforcement is a great way to encourage good behavior when leash training your dog. Give your dog treats or praise when they walk calmly on the leash, and avoid scolding or punishing them when they pull or act out.
  4. Practice in a safe and familiar environment: Start leash training your dog in a safe, enclosed area where they feel comfortable, such as your backyard. This will help them get used to the leash and collar without feeling overwhelmed by new surroundings.
  5. Teach the "heel" command: Teaching your dog the "heel" command will help them understand that they should walk next to you, rather than pulling ahead. Use the command consistently, and reward your dog when they walk in the proper position.
  6. Be patient: Leash training can take time, so it's important to be patient with your dog. If your dog is having trouble adjusting to the leash, take a break and try again later. Remember that every dog is different and learns at a different pace.
  7. Walk in different environments: Once your dog is comfortable with the leash, take them for walks in different environments, like parks, busy streets and quiet neighborhoods. This will help them to get used to different sounds, sights, and smells and will help them to generalize the commands.


By following these tips, you can help your dog become comfortable and confident while on a leash, and enjoy many happy walks together. Remember that leash training is an ongoing process, and consistency is key. With patience and positive reinforcement, your dog will soon be a pro at leash walking.